Thursday, January 15, 2009

Twin news.......and the gender(s) are?

Baby A (girl) and baby B (girl)!!!


The Nybergs said...

Congrats!!!!!! That is amazing!

Sara said...

I am so happy for the both of you. Congrats! Dalton is going to have lots of fun. Good luck.

rouskafamily said...

I am so happy for you!! I just saw my cousin today that has twins, it is sooooo cute 2 of the same person. I hope you can handle 2 girls better than I can handle one.

Jesse said...

That is great. We are so excited for you. Keep us updated.

Desiree said...

Yippee! Another Hutcheon Household where the girls outnumber the boys! Hurray!

The Nybergs said...

Hey Alan- I tagged you, look at my blog for details!

The Gross People said...

A big congratulations on the finding out the gender! How exciting! I am so excited for Kelli, I know how it is to be the only girl. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, so exciting! Congrats!

(I don't remember - are they identical?)

Jamie said...

I tagged you guys, check out my blog for the details. I was so sure I was right about them being a boy and girl, but congrats. I am so excited you are having two little girls. Now the girls will out number. That's my kinda family. Hee Hee. Love you guys!!!